
1 hoteles

Hoteles de 3 estrellas en Ikhtiman

Mapa de hoteles en Ikhtiman

03 mayo, viernes
Día +13°C , noche +12°C
Nublado, lluvia
Viento del oeste, 11 km/h
Hotel Ihtiman Ikhtiman

Hotel Ihtiman
Posada u hostería Ikhtiman, Sofía

7.9/10 Bien
35 Comentarios
Wi-Fi gratis

Hotel Ihtiman is located next to the Trakia highway at the 43rd km, in the direction of Plovdiv and is only 4 km from the town of Ihtiman.

Número de habitaciones: 42

Trakia Motorway 43KM, 2050 Ikhtiman, Bulgaria